Statement regarding Coronavirus/Covid-19

Apr 28, 2020

The Church Office will be closed  until further notice. 

Sunday Worship will continue as a live-stream at 11 am. 

A Note from Congregation President David Weida


Greetings! I pray that this communication finds you happy and in good health. I am writing to share information, and also to reflect on our life together during this pandemic.

First, the information: Church Council met Monday evening, April 27, and decided to continue the cancellation of in-person worship, and all congregational and community activities held in the building, for at least three weeks, until May 18. Then, the situation will be re-evaluated and next steps determined. Worship will continue to be by live stream at 11 a.m. on Sundays on the Faith Lutheran Church Facebook page (video section), and the building/church office will be closed. (Phone messages are being checked frequently.) This is in line with the guidelines set forth by Governor Mike DeWine, in Monday’s press conference, to continue with physical distancing and to hold no gatherings above 10 people.

The Council has formed two Teams to address the issues of enhancing and expanding technology for use in live-streaming worship and to plan for the re-entry process.

And, now, for the reflection: I miss seeing all of you at worship, in the Kinship Café, at choir rehearsal and just walking down the hallways, or while in the church building for committee meetings and group gatherings. I miss the social interaction, not only at church, but throughout my week, because I am a social being. I read the other day that even introverts need social interaction. So, I am uncomfortable with the term social distancing, however, I do practice physical distancing.

I hear you thinking, “Dave, there is such a small difference between those two terms, and it’s not important in the big picture of this coronavirus home sheltering.” To me it is a mindset, an attitude, that impacts how I approach the activities that I implement. I use the 6-foot rule and wear a mask and gloves, when I’m out in public. I stay in touch socially as I home shelter utilizing Facebook, FaceTime, Zoom, e-mail, texting, and telephone calls. Otherwise, I would isolate and not reach out to others.

Home sheltering has reminded me that “church” is a building, but it also refers to my faith. Since I am mandated to not go to the building, I am subconsciously shifting emphasis toward my faith. My reliance on the religious aspects of the physical building and traditional rituals of worship are being replaced with a growth in my faith and spirituality. I pray more often and read scripture. I log in to Facebook with Pastor Jean on Thursdays and Sundays, and call people more. I find myself reaching out to help others more often, too. Hence, my attitude is changing. I am thinking about myself less often and thinking about others more.

I am beginning to recognize how God is influencing my life through this Pandemic. As a Christian, I am taught compassion, love and to serve others. In this odd time of coronavirus, I could think about how bad I have it, or I could think about how I can help others in these challenging times. I could think about God’s blessings and be grateful for them. It is my attitude that makes a world of difference. I have also discovered that attitude is an action word! Faith definitely is a verb! I am asking each and every one of us to reach out to others, show your love by putting your faith in to action.

Dave Weida, President
Faith Lutheran Church
April 28, 2020