Ohio Mission Continues to Share God's Love in Caldwell, Ohio

Jul 25, 2024
The Laundry Ministry headed south to Caldwell.  We paid for customers washing and drying and also handed out personal bags that contained such things as a sewing kit, stress relief ball, notebook and...

Ohio Mission in Caldwell Continues

Jul 24, 2024
Work continues on the water diversion project with the pouring of concrete.  Also, a wheelchair ramp that we built a few years ago is being prepped for painting.

Ohio Mission Trip in Caldwell, Ohio

Jul 23, 2024
A group of hardy volunteers from Faith traveled to Caldwell, Ohio for the 17th year, to share God's love, and give help where help is needed.  During the week of July 21 - 27, the volunteers are...

Multi Cultural Youth Leadership Event & ELCA Youth Gathering

Jul 18, 2024
Lankika Mendis who, along with her Dad, Eranga Mendis, are representing Faith Lutheran at this year's ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans. They attended the Multicultural Youth Leadership...

Faith Family Fellowship (FFF) Event

Jul 10, 2024
It was a fun night on Wednesday as Faith members and friends gathered at the Porthouse Theatre for a potluck dinner and to watch a performance of "Nunsense."

Community Garden Delivers to OPEN M

Jul 01, 2024
The gardeners were busy harvesting yesterday.  Today's delivery to OPEN M will be 60 pounds of produce, to include:  Chard, Collard Greens, Kale, Radish, Spinach, Tomatoes, Yellow Squash and Zucchini...

Second Blanket Donation Delivery to the International Institute

Jun 27, 2024
Thank you Faith members and friends for supporting Akron's International Institute and the refugees and immigrants that they serve.  The Institute put out a call to the community for the need of 500...

Laundry Ministry

Jun 26, 2024
June 26 was a busy laundry night at both Laundromat City in Wallhaven and Laundry Time in North Hill.  Here are a few statistics: Wallhaven:  25 guests; 2,140 pounds of clothing washed North Hill: ...
