Faith Lutheran is a wonderful, warm place where children can begin their school experience! We offer a variety of preschool classes, Monday through Friday, designed for young children ages 2-5 years. Our students enjoy weekly religion classes taught by our church pastors.  Field trips and special holiday parties are part of the curriculum.  Large motor play is offered every day, indoors or outside on the shaded playground. 

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year opens to the public on January 23, 2023.  See the How to Enroll section of our site.

Mom, Dad & Me

Class size is limited.  Contact the preschool office for more information..

This class is designed for the 2-3 year old child to have a special preschool experience tailored just for them.  An adult caregiver stays for the entire time and helps the child participate in activities.  We offer a time of free play, enjoy a craft and story, learn finger plays and songs, and have a snack.  It is a great introduction to the preschool experience!

Three Year Old Class

Our theme-based program introduces the three year old to social concepts appropriate for the age:  sharing, taking turns, being a friend to one another, learning how to sit in circle time, lining up and walking in a line and lots more.  Academic objectives include counting, color and shape recognition and an emphasis on fine motor development, including beginning to write their names.  Daily art opportunities, stories, songs and games enhance the theme and help foster creativity.

Fours/PreKindergarten Class

Weekly themes along with a “letter of the week” using the very well-received “Zoo-phonics” program and Heggerty Phonemic Awareness program drive this kindergarten prep class.  Math, science, journaling, name writing and recognition, work habits, social skills are all important components.  We provide daily opportunities for each child to advance in areas of cognitive and social development, fine and large motor skills, work habits and language skills.  Special guests and programs support learning.

Schedule a Tour

Contact Director Dineen Dowling at 330-836-8827 to schedule a tour today! You can see our classes in action, meet our caring staff and discover more about the exciting learning opportunities Faith Preschool has to offer your child!

Extended Care

Extended Care options include Early Drop Off (8-9 a.m.), Lunch Bunch, 11:30-1 p.m., and Kids Club (1-3:30 p.m.).  Reservations are required.  You are billed weekly for these services.


Faith preschool is licensed by the State of Ohio and is owned & operated by Faith Lutheran Church.


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