The Touch of Compassion

Jul 21, 2024
Our text today is two stories describing Jesus interacting with the crowds that sought him; it’s important to note that they take place at different times and places.

A Sordid Tale or a Tale of Choices?

Jul 14, 2024
This is one of those times when, after proclaiming, “The Gospel of the Lord” at the end of the Gospel reading, I think, “Yeah, right!”

Fostering Amazement!

Jul 07, 2024
It’s such a blessing to be leading worship here at Holy Trinity on a Sunday morning, and to receive your warm greetings, in this faith-filled setting where God has been, and continues...

For Jesus, No One is Invisible or Too Far Gone

Jun 30, 2024
For Jesus, no one is invisible or too far gone.

Jesus Never Fails to be With Us!

Jun 23, 2024
Jesus had been preaching and teaching from a boat and, evidently, our Lord was tired.

God’s Mysterious Work Among Us

Jun 16, 2024
If Faith’s gardeners followed the example of the farmer in today’s Gospel lesson, we would not donate more than 2000 pounds of fresh produce to OPEN M every summer!

A World of Cracked Pots … and Glory

Jun 09, 2024
I greet you today, one cracked pot to other cracked pots, a reality which proves God’s love for, and trust in, us.

The Sabbath was Made for and Gifted to Us

Jun 02, 2024
It’s not all that difficult to understand why, by Jesus’ time, the keeping of the Sabbath was burdened by rules.
