Music, Picnic Fun and Collaboration!
Sunday, August 4, will be a memorable day at Faith Lutheran Church as we gather for a Music Sunday, enjoy good food and fun at the church picnic and welcome our siblings in Christ from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!
10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Special Music by: Gospel Disciples in Song (sub-group of the Derby Town Chorus Barbershop Singers)
Join in congregational singing and celebrate Holy Communion!
Dress casually … it’s a picnic day!
Immediately follows worship
Head to the Welcome Center for picnic food - hot dogs, corn on the cob, watermelon and many assorted dishes and desserts! (Please bring a side dish or dessert with an identifying sign as to what it is and your name!) There will be eating areas both indoors and outdoors.
Games with prizes, and fun activities for all ages including a Pav's ice cream truck!
Please sign up so we can have an accurate attendance count. Sign up sheets are located in the narthex, the Welcome Center or outside of the Fellowship Hall.
A fun time will be had by all - feel free to invite guests! ALL are welcome!