One Service Followed by Church Picnic

10:30 a.m., Sunday, August 4


Music, Picnic Fun and Collaboration!

Sunday, August 4, will be a memorable day at Faith Lutheran Church as we gather for a Music Sunday, enjoy good food and fun at the church picnic and welcome our siblings in Christ from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church!


10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Special Music by:  Gospel Disciples in Song (sub-group of the Derby Town Chorus Barbershop Singers)
Join in congregational singing and celebrate Holy Communion!
Dress casually … it’s a picnic day!


Immediately follows worship

  • Head to the Welcome Center for picnic food - hot dogs, corn on the cob, watermelon and many assorted dishes and desserts!  (Please bring a side dish or dessert with an identifying sign as to what it is and your name!)  There will be eating areas both indoors and outdoors.
  • Games with prizes, and fun activities for all ages including a Pav's ice cream truck!
  • Please sign up so we can have an accurate attendance count.  Sign up sheets are located in the narthex, the Welcome Center or outside of the Fellowship Hall. 
  • A fun time will be had by all - feel free to invite guests! ALL are welcome!

Be sure to invite your family and friends to join us!