Scout Troop Committee

Sunday, June 7, 7 pm

Welcome Back to the building!

Your group will be using the Meeting Room.

Please read the Guidelines for Building Use before your arrival.

Guidelines for Building Use beginning on June 1, 2020

  • Church and community groups of 10 or less may meet in June; group size will be re-evaluated for July. Large groups may arrange small group meetings of their members, but that organization may have only one group of 10 or less in the building at a time.
  • Gatherings will be held primarily in the Meeting Room unless otherwise determined; the Welcome Center restrooms will be open for public use; other restrooms will be closed.
  • Groups will be asked to wear masks, maintain a distance of 6-feet from one another and wipe down all tables, chairs and doorknobs. Cleaning supplies will be placed in the rooms.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances.
  • The Welcome Center entrance will be available “as usual” during the week.