Third Thursday Bible Study for Women

April 15, 2021

Continuing on Zoom, the members of Third Thursday Bible Study for Women will be held on Thursday, April 15, from 10:00-11:30 am.  

The topic for that day comes from a thread during our on-going study of Joshua--bringing to light the faith of Rahab.  One of the introductory questions to the chapter study was "Fill in the remainder of this sentence, 'Faith is......'"  Members submitted via email their ideas, and  their submissions were anonymously shared to all with each member being enabled to 'guess' the maker.  At our last meeting it was decided that the entire April meeting should be dedicated to responses.  

That will happen on April 15.  If you are interested in the discussion and/or adding your input to it, contact Bonnie at or call 330.606.3230.