Worship - In-person and livestream

Sunday at 10 am

Please read the following guidelines to join in-person worship.

Guidelines for in-person worship at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary in June, July


  • Please wear a mask! A mask will be provided, if needed. Anyone not wearing a mask will be asked to sit in the west transept.
  • The middle aisle will be used to enter the Sanctuary, and the outside aisles to exit.
  • Seating will allow 6-feet of distance between people unless they are from the same household; every other pew will be used. The Bell Choir area will be dis-assembled and become seating. The Balcony will NOT be available in June when live streaming protocols are being developed.
  • Ushers will help worshippers find seats and explain the method that will be used to assure the proper distance. They also will dismiss rows when the service ends.
  • There will be no singing by the congregation, however there will be vocal and instrumental music, live and recordings.
  • Offering plates will be set up in various visible locations; the plates will not be passed. There will be no “Sharing of the Peace.”
  • Holy Communion will be celebrated on the third Sunday in June and will be evaluated for July to determine if the frequency should increase. The method for serving the sacrament will be sanitary and assure physical distancing and will be explained that day.
  • Please note that because the worship service will be live-streamed from the balcony, worshippers may be on the live-stream/video.


Entrances, Restrooms, Kinship Café:

  • Entrance into the building will be through the narthex or Market Street doors only; the Welcome Center doors will not be open. Those with no mobility issues are asked to park on the east side of the lot.
  • The restrooms will be available in the SJ/SP Foyer and the Welcome Center; however, the Welcome Center seating area and the youth room will be closed. The east hallway, restrooms and Fellowship Hall will also be closed. There will be no Kinship Café.
  • There will be no nursery in June; this will be re-evaluated for July.