Opportunity Parish Ecumenical Neighborhood Ministry (OPEN M) was formed in 1968. It is a nonprofit organization that today serves more than 1,400 individuals annually with food, employment, education, social and health services – all intended to break the cycle of poverty.

Located in Akron, Ohio; in one of the community’s most disadvantaged areas; OPEN M leverages a community alliance of churches, businesses and more than 1,200 volunteers to offer programs to those in need.

Faith is a strong partner to OPEN M supporting the work to build bridges out of poverty for all those in need. We partner by donating our money, goods as requested and particularly volunteering our time and talent.

For more information on our current program with OPEN M please contact the Church Office at 330-836-8811.

OPEN M is a Christian non-profit organization that serves more than 40,000 individuals annually with food, health and employment services—all intended to create pathways out of poverty. Located in the Summit Lake Neighborhood of Akron, OPEN M leverages a community alliance of churches, businesses and more than 1,000 volunteers to offer programs to those in need.