One Spirit + One Body + Many Gifts = the Common Good

Sep 25, 2022
The Faith Lutheran Church 2022 Talent Show is over, but as was promised, it will live on as an event many folks will never forget (even if they wish they could)!

Disciples’ Shrewdness

Sep 19, 2022
As we strive to be more devoted and less distracted disciples during these final weeks of this Pentecost season, I’m wondering if today’s Gospel lesson will do us much good.

Jesus Never Stops Searching, or Finding

Sep 11, 2022
I recently overheard a man who was about my age trying to explain the concept of a “Trip Tik” to his teenage granddaughter.

Living the Generous and Sacrificial Life of Jesus

Aug 28, 2022
Usually, my sermon focuses is on the Gospel lesson, but for today I found myself drawn to the reading from the New Testament book of Hebrews.

Prepare to be Unbound

Aug 21, 2022
Here we are at the end of summer, at least as far as the school year is concerned.

The Struggle of Giving the Finite Infinite Value

Jul 31, 2022
The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us: “…sometimes one who has toiled with wisdom and knowledge and skill must leave all to be enjoyed by another who did not toil for it.”

Prayer Makes Room for the Holy Spirit

Jul 24, 2022
Our journey this Pentecost Season continues as we focus on being more devoted and less distracted disciples.

Go and Do Likewise

Jul 10, 2022
Our Pentecost Season journey toward devoted – not distracted – discipleship continues today with an oh-so-familiar story.
