Our Name Means Something

Jan 15, 2023
On January 1 we focused our attention in worship on names, not only the name of Jesus, which was the focus on the day, but our own names – why we were named what we were, what our...

Honoring God’s Gifts

Jan 08, 2023
I hope you are not surprised that Christmas decorations still adorn the church; technically, the Season of Christmas ended on Friday, January 6, but since we are celebrating the...

Your Name That Supersedes All Others

Jan 01, 2023
Today, January 1, is all about names, not resolutions, pork and sauerkraut, parades or football, but names.

Love Has Come

Dec 25, 2022
We invited the children among us to wear PJ’s to worship as a way to add to today’s festiveness (and also make it easier for families to get here on time.)

To Us, a Savior has Been Born!

Dec 24, 2022
Christmas Eve greetings to each of you; it is wonderful to celebrate the birth of Jesus with you this afternoon/tonight!

Sorrow and Sighing Shall Flee Away

Dec 11, 2022
It is week three of Advent and of our focus on the readings from the Old Testament book of Isaiah.

The Light of Peace

Dec 04, 2022
God longs for peace for the world.

Let us Walk in the Light of the Lord

Nov 27, 2022
God longs for peace for the world.
