Rejoice in the Lord Always! Rejoice?! #3

Oct 18, 2020
Rejoice in the Lord always! Rejoice!?! Here we are, our third and final week focused on the 4th chapter of Philippians. It is rather surprising, when you consider it, that we could...

Give Me Some of That!

Oct 11, 2020
Rejoice in the Lord, always! Rejoice!? Here we are again focusing on the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. Remember, the Philippians are a small, poor, new Christian...

Rejoice in the Lord, always! Rejoice?!?

Oct 04, 2020
Rejoice in the Lord, always. Rejoice?!? Let’s list some realities for 2020: We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic that has gone on for more than six months.

What Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

Sep 27, 2020
Context Alert! Context Alert! Today’s Gospel reading will make much more sense if we put it into context. It takes place on what we would identify as the Monday of Holy Week, the last...

Whoever Said Life is Fair?

Sep 20, 2020
What great stories, don’t you think? That is until we put ourselves in Jonah’s shoes, or the place of the laborers hired first, then it’s not so great. Then, it’s just plain not fair...

Led by Faith to Extremes

Sep 13, 2020
Why this Gospel lesson on the ELCA Day of Service? The week before last, I made a point of saying that the Epistle reading from Romans 12 was the one assigned in the lectionary for the...

Let Love Be Genuine

Aug 30, 2020
oday’s Epistle reading was unplanned. Let me explain what I mean: Romans 12:9-21 IS the assigned reading for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, which is today. So, its use on this day...

Who Will We Trust?

Aug 23, 2020
Perhaps some of you watched the Democratic National Convention this past week and were energized. Others of you avoided it like the plague but are looking forward to the Republican...
