Faith and Persistence make a Powerful Pair

Aug 16, 2020
Sermon 8-16-2020 11th Sunday after Pentecost Text: Matthew 15:21-28 Pastor Jean M. Hansen  

Push On

Aug 02, 2020
  You probably have, in your life, pushed yourself to do something even though you do not quite feel up to it. That is a common reality for parents, especially single parents, who have...

Themes Worth Remembering: Romans 8

Jul 26, 2020
You have heard me say it often; the eighth chapter of Romans is one of my favorite portions of scripture. In fact, it is so significant to me that after I last preached on it, having...

Fertilizer Happens!

Jul 12, 2020
Every summer, the lectionary (list of scriptures for each Sunday) offers a reading that invites me to talk about gardening and opens up the opportunity to mention the church’s...

It’s Not Easy

Jul 05, 2020
The week before last I preached a sermon titled, “It’s not pretty”, in which I began by listing events that have recently impacted our lives about which we could say, “it’s not pretty...

Do Small Things, with Great Love

Jun 26, 2020
I moved to Akron thirty-nine years ago to work for BFGoodrich. Having moved to a city where I knew no one, my priorities were to get settled into my workplace, make new friends, and...

It is Not Pretty

Jun 21, 2020
ou have heard the expression, I suppose, that proclaims, “It is not pretty.” That’s usually an understatement referring to some unacceptable or painful or difficult circumstances. In...

Boasting in Suffering?

Jun 14, 2020
It’s so wonderful to look out into the congregation and see you who are here in person. Did everyone remember to change out of their pajamas? Of course, that does not apply to you who...
