The One Who Loves

Feb 21, 2021
How many of you remember the song that begins: “The Lord said to Noah, there’s going to be a floody, floody…get those children out of the muddy, muddy…children of the Lord.” It has...

Listen to Jesus!

Feb 14, 2021
I am SO thrilled to see people in the pews this morning! For 12 weeks, since mid-November, worship has only been on-line. Before that, last spring, we experienced 11 weeks of on-line...

Let’s Get the Show on the Road

Feb 07, 2021
If you happen to be in the sanctuary 10-15 minutes early some Sunday morning, which will soon be possible again as we return to in-person worship next Sunday. You may see me pacing...

Deliver Us From Evil

Jan 31, 2021
A couple of weeks ago, I commented in a sermon that there was something about Jesus that drew people. In today’s Gospel reading, that phenomenon is presented again. The scene is a...

We are the Ones in Whom Jesus is Seen

Jan 17, 2021
SIGH! What to say; what to say? There is so much upheaval in our country, and there are so many opinions about that upheaval. Certainly, we will pray for peace as President-Elect Biden...

Answer This Question: Into What Then Were You Baptized?

Jan 10, 2021
I had never heard the phrase, "Taking a mulligan" until about 12 years ago when I attempted to learn to play golf – unsuccessfully, by the way. That phrase popped into my mind this...

The Wait is Over

Dec 27, 2020
Here we are … observing the First Sunday of Christmas, still a bit disoriented following our unusual Christ Eve (or, at least I am) with Epiphany Sunday just one week away. Another...

God With Us … on the Phone?

Dec 24, 2020
Grace and peace to you on this unusual Christmas Eve. It may be true for you, as it is for me, that this is one of the very few times you have not stepped into the church on this Holy...
