“I Have Set You an Example…”

Apr 09, 2020
Pastor Jean's Maundy Thursday Sermon

All Is Not Lost!

Mar 29, 2020
Here we are, my friends, in the midst of a “Stay at Home” order by the State of Ohio. And, so, most of you are at home, while just a few of us are here. We are carefully keeping our...

How is God being Made Manifest in Extraordinary Time?

Mar 22, 2020
This week I posted an item on Facebook to add some humor to our rather bleak days. It featured a laptop computer and the message, “Reasons to worship online.”

Knowing and Being Known

Mar 15, 2020
We all have a different vision of eternity; one of mine is that it’s where we can most fully be who God created us to be. We see glimpses of that in the here and now, in our best...

The Gospel Vaccine

Mar 08, 2020
I wonder why Nicodemus came to see Jesus? The closing verses of today’s Gospel lesson are so well-known that if someone in a crowd has “3:16” written on his or her baseball cap, many...

A Day of Re-creation

Feb 26, 2020
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 51 because we spent years singing verses 10-12 as an offertory. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not...

Hinge Moments

Feb 23, 2020
We just read about a “hinge moment,” or so say commentator Erica Gibson-Even. She writes that the Transfiguration points to the hinge of our life of faith. One of the definitions of a...

“You Have Heard that it was Said, but I Say to You...”

Feb 16, 2020
Well…I could just say “Amen” and sit down, letting Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount seep into our hearts, minds and souls. I’m guessing if we all sat quietly for the 15-20 minutes I usually...
